Connectivity is an essential and vital part of today’s age. Whether at home or at work you will need a Trusted Technology Partner to help guide you. We at Universal IT Services will assist you in identifying your needs and finding the best solution for you. Below will give you an idea of what each connection’s pros are.



Lightning fast home and business class fibre connections on uncapped and capped services to future proof your connectivity needs.


Lightning fast home and business class 5G connections on uncapped and capped services to get you going until fiber is installed or to run as a failover in the case of outages. 


LTE / LTE-A is a fast and mobile solution for those who do not yet have access to fibre and want speeds greater thank ADSL. SA mobile networks give an average of 20 to 40mb/s download speeds.


Point to Point links with Speed and reliability of fibre as a temporary solution till fibre is deployed or a permanent solution for areas where fibre is not planned for.


ADSL, mobile (3G/LTE), wireless, remote Access, internal networks & redundancy